SIDRABE has been designing and manufacturing vacuum coating systems and developing unique thin film technologies for more than 50 years. We offer: Development and implementation of thin film technologies; Customized vacuum coating systems; Optimized and cost effective product solutions; Contract R&D; Contract design engineering.
A variety of processes have been implemented successfully in SIDRABE equipment for many applications: Coating of polymer films and metal foils; Coating of metal strips; Coating of large-size flat glass; Coating of large-size astronomical mirrors; Coating of artificial diamond and various powders; Protective and decorative coating of 3D articles; Substrate pre-treatment using ion sources; Vacuum lamination; Vacuum drying of webs
The quality management system embraces all stages of the product cycle. Achievement of ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 certification represents our efforts to keep the high standard driven working practice.